Sep 21, 2009

Nothing and Everything´s the Same

I had some fuuunky dreams last night! After a weird weekend and the stress of a paper, I was bound to. In one dream, I was super stressed about a math test I had back in high school in Mrs. Butts class. (shiver) In another, I dreamed that my host brother spoke to me for the first time just to say my parents were on the phone...and he hands me a mustard bottle/squirter. I, for some reason, find this perfectly normal and proceed to talk to my mom with my ear to the spout. She informs me, through some static, that her and dad are coming to Peru today. I ask her, ¨What about Reagan and Savannah?¨ and she says that they just want to stay with Grammy. I can´t believe they want to pass up a trip abroad, but I just reply, ¨ok¨. Then she starts to ask me questions, but I can´t hear her. My host bro tells me to turn the spout for better reception. At about that time, the phone bottle starts to beep. I mean, my ALARM. Basically, when I woke up, I thought for a few seconds that I had to study for a math test while preparing for my parents´ arrival. WEEEEIRD.

Some things are just FOREIGN here. The dialtone on the phone. Speaking Spanish all day. Working everyone down on their prices. People staring. The bizarre variety of fruits. The list goes on and on...that´s why I named my blog ¨Foreign On This Side¨. On this side of the equator, things are just different.

I also named it after one of my all-time favorite songs by Nickel Creek. And I´ve found that a lot of what the song has to say is true. Take me or leave me, I´ll still be the same. In Peru. In the States. It´s also true that I get scared. Will people understand what I´m saying? How am I going to write a paper in Spanish about Peruvian politics? Are things changing at home and school without me? Undoubtedly. But that´s part of being in a foreign place, I guess.

At the same time...everything´s the same. I still crave ice cream, chocolate, bread and spinach (in that order). I still need to listen to music everyday so I don´t get stressed. I need sunshine to be happy. I still write poetry. I talk to my mom about any and everything. I miss the same people I miss when I drive home from Davidson. I´m ME.

This week starts the second half of the trip. (I´m halfway done with the semester!!!) Today, I started a new Peruvian culture class with a kind, energetic professor. I´m turning in my first paper tomorrow. My girlfriends and I are now focusing on the details of our after-Davidson portion of the trip. My family knows what cereal I like, what´s the one veggie I don´t eat (kudos if you know that!), and that I sing in my room all the time. I´m used to Peru now. And I like it.

Unlike the song, though, I have plenty of reasons to go back home again. And I think that´s having the best of both worlds!

Again, my internet´s ridiculous so I can´t view this video and make sure it´s legit before posting. I hope this plays the song!

This Side

One day you'll see her and you'll know what I mean.
Take her or leave her she will still be the same.
She'll not try to buy you with her time.
But nothing's the same, as you will see when she's gone.

It's foreign on this side,
And I'll not leave my home again.
There's no place to hide
And I'm nothing but scared.

You dream of colors that have never been made,
You imagine songs that have never been played.
They will try to buy you and your mind.
Only the curious have something to find.

It's foreign on this side,
And the truth is a bitter friend.
But reasons few have I to go back again.

Your first dawn blinded you, left you cursing the day.
Entrance is crucial and it's not without pain.
There's no path to follow, once you're here.
You'll climb up the slide and then you'll slide down the stairs.

1 comment:

  1. Dev-- this is EXACTLY how I felt last fall. It was so cool and wonderful that life in England got to be NORMAL and I was happy and used to everything! Kind of a miracle really-- that you can feel "at home" in such a different place. I loved it so much. But I think that one thing that made me enjoy it so much was knowing that I would be going back home, that I had my loved ones waiting for me. I wasn't homesick per se-- just steeped in the knowledge that home would be waiting! Wishing I could sing with you tonight... love you.
